Hola de nuevo! Esté día les traigo una receta que nos hará amar las Sopas! Es muy sencilla y al mismo tiempo muy deliciosa... VAMOS ALLÁ!
Hello again! today I bring you a recipe that will make us to love soup! It is very simple and very tasty at the same time... LET'S GO THERE!
Hello again! today I bring you a recipe that will make us to love soup! It is very simple and very tasty at the same time... LET'S GO THERE!
Así es! Sopa de Pollo con Tallarines! simple, reparadora y muy llenadora perfecto para toda ocasión!
That's right! Chicken Soup with Noodles! simple, restorative and very filling perfect for any occasion!
That's right! Chicken Soup with Noodles! simple, restorative and very filling perfect for any occasion!
Ingredientes para 3 o 4 personas:
Ingredients for 3 or 4 guests:
Ingredients for 3 or 4 guests:
Cebollín fresco 7 a 10 hojas.
Fresh chives 7-10 leaves.
Fresh chives 7-10 leaves.
Filetes de pollo 500 gr. (conocidas también como milanesas o bisteces).
Chicken fillets 500 gr. (Also known as cutlets or steaks).
Chicken fillets 500 gr. (Also known as cutlets or steaks).
Aceite de su preferencia (en mi caso usé oliva).
Oil of your choice (in my case I used olive oil).
Oil of your choice (in my case I used olive oil).
Tallarines 1 paquete.
Noodles 1 pack.
Noodles 1 pack.
Agua 2 - 3 litros.
Water 2 to 3 liters.
Water 2 to 3 liters.
Sal y pimienta.
Salt and pepper.
Salt and pepper.
*En esta receta recomiendo el uso de cubos de Caldo de Gallina, o si ya tienen un caldo sobrante pueden usarlo.
* In this recipe I recommend using Chicken Broth cubes, or if you already have leftover broth from another recipe use it.
Kitchen Tools:
* In this recipe I recommend using Chicken Broth cubes, or if you already have leftover broth from another recipe use it.
Kitchen Tools:
- Tabla para trabajar alimentos.
- Chopping Table to work.
- Chopping Table to work.
- Cuchillo.
- Knife.
- Knife.
- Una sartén para asar.
- A roasting pan.
- A roasting pan.
- Pinzas.
- Tongs.
- Tongs.
- Cuenco para desinfectar (hasta un vaso puede servir).
- Bowl to disinfect (up to a glass works well).
- Bowl to disinfect (up to a glass works well).
- Olla para sopa.
- Soup pot.
- Soup pot.
- Charola o refractario para marinar.
- Pan or refractory to marinate.
- Pan or refractory to marinate.
- Cuchara de servicio (para revolver nuestra sopa).
- Serving spoon (to stir our soup).
- Serving spoon (to stir our soup).
1.- Empezamos lavando de a una por una nuestras hojas de cebollín fresco, después de lavarlas las secamos para asegurarnos de que nada quedo pegado; las llevamos a nuestro cuenco con desinfectante de vegetales y cuando concluya su tiempo en el desinfectante procedemos a secarlas muy bien con una toalla de papel seca. Reservamos.
1.- We started washing off one by one to our fresh chives leaves, dry them after washing to ensure that nothing remained stuck, the took our vegetable bowl with disinfectant and wait for the disinfectant finished, then dry very well with a dry paper towel. Reserve.
1.- We started washing off one by one to our fresh chives leaves, dry them after washing to ensure that nothing remained stuck, the took our vegetable bowl with disinfectant and wait for the disinfectant finished, then dry very well with a dry paper towel. Reserve.
2.- Se coloca de 2 a 3 litros de Agua en la olla para sopas y se deja hervir.
2.- Were placed 2 to 3 liters of water in the soup pot to boil.
2.- Were placed 2 to 3 liters of water in the soup pot to boil.
3.- Colocamos nuestros filetes de pollo en nuestra charola para marinar, lo importante es que la marinada llegue a todas las piezas, solo marinaremos usando sal y pimienta.
3.- We put our chicken fillets in our marinade tray, it is important that the marinade reaches all parts, we're using only salt and pepper.
3.- We put our chicken fillets in our marinade tray, it is important that the marinade reaches all parts, we're using only salt and pepper.
Tip: Pueden usar ajo natural picado finamente, ó ajo en polvo, finas hierbas, paprika (pimentón dulce) jugo o zumo de limón, naranja, jugo maggi, salsa de soya, básicamente lo que ustedes deseen para darle un sabor excelente y agradable a su paladar, esto ayuda a que la sopa sea más personal y especial. Y recuerden, pueden agregar las verduras que deseen, diviértanse reinventando recetas.
Tip: You can use fresh garlic finely chopped, or garlic powder, herbs, paprika (sweet paprika) juice or lemon juice, orange, maggi juice, soy sauce, basically anything that you want for give an excellent and pleasant flavor to your palate, this makes the soup more personal and special. And remember, you can add the vegetables you want, have fun reinventing recipes.
Tip: You can use fresh garlic finely chopped, or garlic powder, herbs, paprika (sweet paprika) juice or lemon juice, orange, maggi juice, soy sauce, basically anything that you want for give an excellent and pleasant flavor to your palate, this makes the soup more personal and special. And remember, you can add the vegetables you want, have fun reinventing recipes.
4.- Ya que nuestros filetes están marinados, procederemos al sellado de cada uno de estos, esto se hace para darle un toque dorado a nuestros filetes, se vean y agreguen mejor sabor a nuestra sopa.
4.- Since our steaks are marinated, proceed to seal each of these, this is done to give a golden touch our steaks, look better and add flavor to our soup.
4.- Since our steaks are marinated, proceed to seal each of these, this is done to give a golden touch our steaks, look better and add flavor to our soup.
5.- Mientras sellamos los filetes, podemos colocar de 1 a 2 cubos de caldo de gallina, esto en caso de no tener un caldo ya hecho.
5.- Meanwhile the steaks are being sealed, we can put 1 to 2 chicken bouillon cubes, in case you have not made already a broth.
5.- Meanwhile the steaks are being sealed, we can put 1 to 2 chicken bouillon cubes, in case you have not made already a broth.
6.- Una vez sellados, se cortan en trozos de tamaño de un bocado y se agregan a la sopa.
6.- Once sealed, cut into pieces of bite size and add to the soup.
6.- Once sealed, cut into pieces of bite size and add to the soup.
7.- Después de esto cortamos finamente nuestras hojas de cebollín fresco y los agregamos a la sopa.
7.- After that, cut leaves of fresh chives finely and add to soup.
7.- After that, cut leaves of fresh chives finely and add to soup.
8.- Ahora esperamos el primer hervor, y rectificamos sazón. Sí nos gusta el sabor del caldo, ahora sí, agregamos nuestros tallarines y esperamos a que estén bien cocinados.
8.- We now expect the first boil, and rectify seasoning. If we like the flavor of the broth, now add our noodles and wait it to being cooked.
8.- We now expect the first boil, and rectify seasoning. If we like the flavor of the broth, now add our noodles and wait it to being cooked.
9.- Cuando los Tallarines estén listos, apagamos el fuego y retiramos de la hornilla caliente, y listo ya podremos servir!
9.- When noodles are ready, turn off the heat and removed from the hot stove, and it's ready and able to serve!
9.- When noodles are ready, turn off the heat and removed from the hot stove, and it's ready and able to serve!
Que métodos de cocción utilizamos hoy?
Se utiliza solo para referirse a la acción de dorar la carne a fuego fuerte con la finalidad de cerrar sus poros y que mantenga así sus jugos naturales. También se utiliza cuando se cierra una preparación herméticamente, como en el caso del repulgue de las empanadas o tartas.
El procedimiento de sellado se realiza en una sartén o plancha, apenas con unas gotas de materia grasa (aceite) y deberá estar bien caliente. La operación es muy rápida, se coloca la carne y a fuego vivo se dora por todas sus partes, luego se retira y se procede según cada receta para terminar su cocción.
Para esta definición ver receta Croquetas de PAPA con ATÚN
Cooking methods that we use today?
It is used only to refer to the action of brown meat over high heat in order to close your pores and thus keeps its natural juices. It is also used when a preparation is sealed, as in the case of repulgue pies or tarts. sealing procedure is done in a skillet or griddle, just a few drops of fat (oil) and should be very hot. The operation is very quick, meat and live fire standing browns all parts, then withdrawn and each recipe according to finish cooking.
For this definition see recipe Croquettes of POTATO and TUNA
El procedimiento de sellado se realiza en una sartén o plancha, apenas con unas gotas de materia grasa (aceite) y deberá estar bien caliente. La operación es muy rápida, se coloca la carne y a fuego vivo se dora por todas sus partes, luego se retira y se procede según cada receta para terminar su cocción.
Para esta definición ver receta Croquetas de PAPA con ATÚN
Cooking methods that we use today?
It is used only to refer to the action of brown meat over high heat in order to close your pores and thus keeps its natural juices. It is also used when a preparation is sealed, as in the case of repulgue pies or tarts. sealing procedure is done in a skillet or griddle, just a few drops of fat (oil) and should be very hot. The operation is very quick, meat and live fire standing browns all parts, then withdrawn and each recipe according to finish cooking.
For this definition see recipe Croquettes of POTATO and TUNA
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